Mighty Mustard® cover crops and trap crops have been a staple for nearly 10 years at certified organic farm Greentree Naturals in Sandpoint, ID.
Owner/farmer Diane Green always plants Mighty Mustard® Pacific Gold or Kodiak to rejuvenate the soil following the harvest of her garlic crops. “This has become our favorite cover crop because it germinates in just about any kind of weather and grows fast enough to provide good biomass for adding organic matter back into the soil. Plus the mustard is a natural biofumigant and helps inhibit weed growth. What’s not to love about that?!”
Photo courtesy of Diane Green of
Greentree Naturals.Photo courtesy of Diane Green of
Greentree Naturals.
Diane and her partner, Thom, have found other uses for Mighty Mustard® as well, planting it as a trap crop between rows of organic broccoli, using it attract pollinators and to suppress weeds between rows of organic garlic.
She shared this update June 14, 2019: “Thom planted Mighty Mustard® in between the rows of garlic to help keep the weeds down, which was successful. He turned the cover crop under yesterday. Our garlic still hasn’t started to form scapes. We anxiously await!”
Photo courtesy of Diane Green of
Greentree Naturals.Photo courtesy of Diane Green of
Greentree Naturals.
To learn more about how Diane and Thom are incorporating Mighty Mustard® into their organic crop rotations, visit GreentreeNaturals.com or follow them on Facebook.